Gamefowl Supplies

Understanding Gamefowl Nutrition and Supplementation


What is gamefowl nutrition?

Gamefowl nutrition is like regular poultry nutrition, but with a twist. It's not just about keeping chickens healthy and happy - it's about boosting their performance and improving their physical fitness. Gamefowl nutrition is specifically designed for gamefowl farms and focuses on providing the right nutrients and fluids to help gamecocks stay in peak condition.

Of course, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and other organic substances are all important parts of gamefowl nutrition. But the real difference is in how these nutrients are balanced and delivered. Gamefowl nutrition is all about finding the right combination of nutrients to help gamecocks perform at their best.

It's important to note that gamefowl nutrition is not the same as broiler nutrition. While both types of poultry require proper nutrition to stay healthy, broilers are typically raised for meat production, while gamecocks are raised for competition. As a result, gamefowl nutrition focuses more on performance-enhancing nutrients, while broiler nutrition is more geared towards promoting rapid growth and weight gain.

The role of gamefowl supplements in gamefowl conditioning

Gamefowl conditioning consists of nutrition and exercise. A supplement is something added to the food to make up for a nutritional deficiency. Gamefowl supplementation, however, is more than that. Similar to human sports supplementation, gamefowl supplements are designed to improve performance. It serves as the link that will fit nutrition to the requirements of physical exertion. It's the gear that shifts from one stage of conditioning to another. In our conditioning method, we pointed out that conditioning consists of foundation stage (pre-conditioning); preparation stage (conditioning proper); and pointing stage. 

Proper supplementation would enable the rooster to level up from one stage to the next.

Traditionally, the object of conditioning is to enable the gamefowl to perform at its best subject to limitations set by breeding. The principle behind this is that the capabilities of a gamefowl are set in the breeding pen. As such, it will reach full potential through right rearing and conditioning. Accordingly, no amount of rearing and conditioning will enable the gamefowl to perform beyond these capabilities. 

The question is how to get to the limits of these capabilities The modern objective, however, is to stretch these capabilities to the outer limits. Conditioning methods simply consist of good feeding, ample workout and exercises, and efficient supplementation. The task is much uncomplicated because nowadays, already available in the market are not only excellent feed formulation for gamefowls but also effective supplementation, but, the goal is always ambitious— getting to the outer limits of the rooster’s capabilities.


Nutrition is the study of metabolism. Metabolism consists of catabolism or how the body breaks food down and anabolism or how the body repairs and creates cells and tissue. Catabolism and anabolism equal metabolism. Nutritional science also examines how the body responds to food. What is game fowl nutrition? Gamefowl nutrition is also poultry nutrition but it is not just plain poultry nutrition. It relates to performance. Yes, it deals with vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, supplements, and organic substances yet it concerns mostly with the type of nutrient and fluid that will improve the physical fitness of the gamecock. It is far different from the other kinds of poultry nutrition such as those for layers and broilers. Nonetheless, diets for all types of chickens must be formulated to provide all of the nutrient requirements may be for optimum growth or maximum production or performance.

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These are the six classes of nutrients: Carbohydrates – the major source of energy. Most of the carbohydrate in poultry diets is provided by grains. Fats – provide energy and essential fatty acids required for some bodily processes. Proteins – required for the synthesis of body tissue and muscles, physiological molecules such as enzymes and hormones, and for anabolism. Proteins also provide a small amount of energy. Vitamins – organic chemicals or chemicals containing carbon which help control body processes and are required in small amounts for general well being. Minerals - inorganic chemicals or chemicals not containing carbon. Like vitamins, minerals help control body processes and aid well being.


A very important nutrient, moreover for gamecocks. In gamefowl nutrtion these nutrients are to be provided by two types of feed formulations—the pellets and the grain mix or grain concentrates. Pelleting was introduced into Europe about 1920 and into the U.S. feed industry in the late 1920s (Schoeff, 1994). Its popularity has grown steadily until about 80% of all feed. are currently pelleted. Today, the process is widely used because of both the physical and the nutritional benefits it provides. The physical benefits include improved ease of handling, reduced ingredient segregation, less feed wastage, and increased bulk density. Grains, on the other hand, are seldom used in feeding chickens other than gamecocks, except as scratch or treat.

In battle cock nutrition, however, grains are important and play their own role. Grains are mixed with pellets to provide fiber or roughage. Chickens feed solely with pellets tend to grow heavy and sometimes fat. The correct blend between certain pellets with certain grains will result in ideal body conformation. RB Sugbo Feeding Principles Overview Gamefowl should be lean and fit, much like a boxer. To attain this, we will discuss and consider four main nutrition principles: proper eating frequency, proper nutrient timing, proper balance of macronutrients and proper total caloric intake. This will enable gamefowl to have the necessary energy for training.


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Eating Frequency

What is the most common frequency of feeding the gamefowl? Twice a day? Sometimes three including snacks at noon. Some even practice the once a day feeding method. American James Pope advocated once a day feeding. In the past Filipino cockers used to feed their roosters once a day at 3 pm. There was some wisdom to this. From morning to 3 pm when they were fed, the roosters were hungry and more active. Our suggested method, however, is the opposite: we feed many times a day at small portions.

We suggest giving more meals per day to stabilize blood sugar and keep energy levels high all day long. This eating frequency will keep glycogen stores (glycogen is energy for the body, formed from the ingestion of carbohydrates) loaded and reloaded. Just like a boxer, this high eating frequency will start with breakfast and will end with dinner to provide recovery fuel prior to overnight rest. This recovery fuel prior will assist in muscle repair, powering the rooster up for the next day’s workout. Also; chickens are physiologically suited to this, in the wild chickens are scavengers.

As such, they usually consume frequent but small doses of nutrients. “Isang kahig isang tuka.” Nutrient Timing Before the early morning workout, give complex carbohydrate fuel source. (At RB Sugbo we do this by adding 10% grains or cracked corn to the base mix) This will provide glycogen to facilitate fat burning. Following the workout, give a recovery fuel source containing mainly carbohydrates and some protein to reload glycogen stores (add a little whole egg or beef liver to the base mix). This recovery fuel enables roosters to have productive training sessions day after day. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are going to be the mainstay of the nutrition plan. Carbohydrate intake should be 50 to 65 percent of total daily consumed calories.

Focus on complex carbohydrates (as opposed to simple sugars) such as grains, vegetables, and fruit. Fruit will provide great antioxidants. Antioxidants are critical to a nutrition plan, as these will combat free radicals brought about during activities. Protein and Fat Protein will make up approximately 18-20 percent of the daily calories. It is the amino acids (building blocks of protein) in the protein sources that assist in muscle repair. Give lean protein sources such as fish, beef, egg whites, and protein supplements. Your third macronutrient, dietary fat, should consist of about 20 percent of daily caloric intake. best dietary fat is from sources such as seeds, fish and flaxseed. Antioxidants and Total Calories To combat free radical damage (free radicals are formed during times of stress, training, etc.), provide antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, and multivitamins. Provide multivitamins, fruit, and vegetables with most of the meals and snacks.

In the wild, birds have an abundance of foods with high antioxidant value. Warhawk Optimum is an example of effective conditioning pellets for game fowl. There are alternative products manufactured by other companies. Supplementation Nutritional supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, meal supplements, sports nutrition products, natural food supplements, and other related products used to boost the nutritional content of the diet. Nutritional supplements are used for many purposes. They can be added to the diet to boost overall health and energy; to provide immune system support and reduce the risks of illness and age-related conditions; to improve physical performance, and to support the healing process during illness and disease.

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However, most of these products are treated as food and not regulated as drugs. Like in humans, battle cock supplements may be for general purposes or may be designed to provide specialized support or to serve specific goals. Some of these consist of high-protein products, such as amino acid supplements for anabolism, while other products contain nutrients that support metabolism, energy generation, and oxygen circulation or recovery. Roosters engaging in intense conditioning activities may have increased needs for water-soluble vitamins, antioxidants, and certain minerals, and electrolytes as well as vitamins, minerals, and performance-supporting herbs.

Some supplements may offer particular benefits or are targeted for specific conditions. These products may consist of whole foods or maybe isolated compounds from natural or synthetic sources. Examples include antioxidants, probiotics, digestive enzymes, or other animal products, or chemical extracts such as the hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant. A few supplements are designed not only for general well-being but to serve many specific goals. These are rare and valuable.

The science of gamecock supplementation, especially in the field of conditioning and pointing has progressed tremendously that it is now doubtful if a relatively unprepared rooster stands a chance against a superbly conditioned one. Moreover with the advent of countless conditioning aids and products in the market today, access to these so-called wonders is no longer a problem.

You name it you get it. If you hear of a new miracle performance enhancer that reportedly is making champions out of patsies, just search the net and you will find where and how to buy it. Nowadays, companies and enterprising individuals are riding on the popularity of gamecock supplements and they make these wonder drugs available. Gamecock supplementation, however, is not just a matter of buying the many conditioning products now available in the market. It is also a matter of understanding and knowing the products. In this aspect, it would help if the outfit from which you are buying the stuff has someone with good knowledge of the science of supplementation because if such is the case, you can readily consult with them about the products you are going to use. But, it is not enough that this someone is an expert on supplementation, he should also be a certified rooster man who understands the ways of the rooster.

Gamefowl raising is an art that employs science. In order to master the craft, one must be first and foremost an artist. Science comes next. Thus, to be a complete rooster man one must be capable of observing the way of the rooster and of understanding the intricacies of science. For example, when one is experimenting with products for gamecocks, most of the objectives are not readily measurable. Unlike in broilers where the main concern is the feed to meat conversion rate, or in layers where egg production and egg quality are the parameters, in gamecocks speed, power, and general well being can’t be measured tangibly.

Therefore, the evaluation is not as straightforward. Judging a cock’s performance is subjective rather than objective. It is something that only experts are qualified to determine. Supplementation by objectives/specific goals: Supplements may be classified in many ways. One classification is by form, whether in capsule, pill, suspension, liquid, or powder. Another is by route of administration, whether oral or injectable or even transdermal. More importantly, supplements may be grouped by objectives or by their respective specific goals. Supplements have their respective purposes. You should learn about the various substances and the respective purpose or effect. In gamecock supplementation, the identified objectives are the following: Foundation or General well-being Muscle and tissue building Blood conditioning & Oxygen circulation Energy generation What could be the fifth classification would be hormone boosting supplements.

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Mostly these are performance-enhancing drugs that are banned in human athletic competitions or in many cases in horse racing and pigeon racing. Because there is no such ban in gamefowl shows, hormone boosting supplements could be used on gamecocks. These supplements are aimed at increasing power, strength, speed, energy and stamina by altering the metabolic and hormonal processes of the body. These drugs do work, but it involves risk to the performance of the rooster considering the chicken’s delicate senses. Chickens are only sturdy when it comes to tolerance to pain, but they are very sensitive to mental stimuli. This the reason why stress management is vital to conditioning and pointing the gamefowl (you may also read the E-pamphlet Power Pointing: Pointing by Stress Management also by RB Sugbo Publications, 2012). Thus, products may be classified as for general well -being; for muscle and tissue builder; for blood conditioning; for oxygen circulation; and as an energy booster.

A product may serve several purposes. For example, vitamins and minerals are regarded as for general well being, but b complex vitamins and B12 also helps in blood conditioning and oxygen circulation. The mineral iron also aids in conditioning the blood, and thus also helps in oxygen circulation. Phosphorus and magnesium are minerals and also aid in energy generation. Amino acids are muscle and tissue builders. But many amino acids are likewise instrumental to energy production.

Each of the purposes is as important as the others. General well being: or foundation shots lay the foundation for the body to function efficiently enough to enable the rooster to sustain strenuous activities and also absorb nutrients from the more advanced supplements that are usually given during conditioning. Vitamins and minerals, as well as many of the amino acids, are considered essential nutrients—because acting in concert, they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help shore up bones, heal wounds, and bolster your immune system. They also convert food into energy and repair cellular damage. In short vitamins and minerals and amino acids contribute to the general well being of the rooster and, thus serve as a foundation for total physical fitness.

Anabolic: muscle and tissue building. In order for the body to function at full athletic capacity, muscles and tissues must be build up through what is called the anabolic condition. And, in order for the body to experience an anabolic state, it must consume energy, lots of it. Nutritious feeds and supplements enable muscle tissue to build up and store said energy. Anabolism leads the body to achieving fitness. In addition to proper nutrients, exercise is likewise important to anabolism. 

Blood conditioning and oxygenation

Blood conditioning means to help blood perform its functions that are related to better performance of the rooster. One function of blood is to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Blood also enables hormones and other substances to be transported between tissues and organs. Blood is also involved in maintaining homeostasis by acting as a medium for transferring heat to the skin.

Stuff or products that aid in conditioning the blood mostly are b complex, b 12, iron, substances that promotes the development of the oxygen carrier hemoglobin and vasodilators like B15 to expand the vessels for a more effective flow of blood and to release heat to maintain proper body temperature during the performance. Constant movement produces heat. In humans prevention of overheating occurs by the transfer of heat to the skin by vasodilation of the skin heat circulatory system, and by the cooling effect of evaporation of sweat. Gamefowl do not have sweat glands.

They cool the body by vasodilation and evaporation through breathing or panting. Energy generation: In the first burst of activity, the muscles rely on the ATP-CP (Adenosine Triphosphate – Creatine Phosphate) energy pathway which is anaerobic. After a few seconds, the muscles draw energy from glycolysis, which is common to anaerobic and aerobic pathways. The end product of glycolysis, pyruvate, represents a fork in the catabolic (breaking down) process. Pyruvate could be committed to the anaerobic pathway or to the mitochondria leading to the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain, both of which are aerobic in nature. There are supplements that help in anaerobic energy generation and there are also those that are useful to the aerobic pathways. When the contest drags on, the body will have to rely on energy on the aerobic pathways. The focus should be on supplements for the anaerobic energy pathway. Supplementation by purpose targets specific objectives. Some supplements could address multiple objectives, but most are designed for a main specific purpose.


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Here are some of the more popular substances used on gamecocks and their corresponding main purposes: Multivitamins and minerals – for general well being. (preconditioning and conditioning) Multi amino acids and protein supplements – for anabolism. (pre-conditioning and conditioning) B complex vitamins --- for blood conditioning and oxygen circulation (conditioning) B12 --- for blood conditioning and oxygen circulation (conditioning) Iron --- for blood conditioning and oxygen circulation. (conditioning) ALA, CQ10, fish oil other fatty acids – for heart, cell respiration, and oxygen circulation (conditioning) Antioxidants --- for heart, cell respiration and oxygen circulation. (pre-conditioning and conditioning) Glucose, ribose, and other sugar --- for energy generation (pointing) Creatine and BCAAs --- anabolism and energy generation (conditioning and pointing) ATP—for energy generation (pointing) Caffeine, heptaminol and other analeptics, hormones, steroids --- Performance enhancing drugs (conditioning and pointing) Natural Steroids What about anabolic steroids?

There is no question, athletes abuse of anabolic steroids has been documented. Again, there is certainly no question that their use leads to athletic benefits, but there are side effects. Same as in chickens. The use of anabolic steroids is practiced and also questioned. There are products for gamecocks that contain anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids increase muscle mass and, thus strength, power, and speed. But, anabolic steroids have many side effects. 

There is no such side effect, however, with sterol, the natural anabolic steroid. Sterols are natural steroid alcohols that stimulate certain metabolic, growth and immune processes. Sterols of plants are called phytosterols and sterols of animals are called zoosterols. Phytosterols boost testosterone production and provide anabolic steroid-like benefits without the detrimental side effects. Phytosterol is present in a substantial amount in Gamma Oryzanol. When used as part of the gamecock’s conditioning regimen, these potent chemicals are capable of boosting strength, performance, and fat-free mass. In addition, they act as testosterone potentiate.

The roosters will enjoy all of the anabolic benefits of carefully optimized androgen levels, including high energy, enhanced protein production, increased strength, and optimal performance. All these could be attained by sterols supplementation coupled with ample exercises. These conditioning exercises increase the free radical load and can result in the harmful free radical and toxic build-up. Sterols, again play another positive role by getting rid of free radicals and toxins because sterol contains powerful antioxidants, like alpha-lipoic acid and citrus bioflavonoids, as well as several detoxifying agents. Natural Sterol in gamma oryzanol is a powerful performance enhancer.

It provides gamecocks with beneficial substances such as antioxidants, detoxifiers, hormone modulators, and suppressors, and others derived from potent plant chemicals. The natural sterol in gamma-oryzanol proves that anabolic steroids are not the only products capable of optimizing hormone levels and causing massive gains in strength and size. Natural sterol in gamma-oryzanol boosts testosterone downregulates estrogen and helps roosters to reach peak performance.

In short, it has all the benefits of anabolic steroid minus the side effects, including over aggressiveness. Hydration A cock that is too dry lacks power, force, endurance and could not cut well. One with too much body moisture is slow, sluggish, shortcutting and off timing. Thus, among the prime concerns of game fowl conditioning is to achieve what is called proper body moisture. It is no secret that a gamecock performance also depends on its body moisture. Too much or too little water in the cock’s body could spell the difference between good and bad performance. Gamefowl raisers are often in the loss on how to achieve this. Water is very important for bodily functions as the chicken’s body like most other living things are composed of much water. However, a gamecock needs a body that is not too wet in order for it to perform well.

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True “cellular hydration” or “cellular rehydration” is the chemical process that occurs at the cellular level (inside the cell) – wherein the cell is actually hydrated directly and as the cells swell up (with the proper nutrients), it triggers an anabolic mechanism in the body, which is a healing mechanism. This is the “real” and meaningful hydration or rehydration we need. True cellular level hydration and rehydration are accompanied by positive nitrogen balance, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release. In simpler terms – true cellular rehydration means the body begins immediately “healing itself” or better stated – it begins “recovery”. Muscles begin their recovery, tissue begins the repair, energy is restored and the body begins to “recharge” itself – it recovers more fully and completely – physiologically and physically.

True cellular level hydration (before an event) not only loads the cells with ample supply of nutrient and fluid, but also results in a reduction of cell acidity, reduced autoimmune response, increased fat burning, DNA repair, and increased resistance to viruses.” (“Terry Giles IFPA Master Trainer & Certified Performance Nutritional Specialist and Co-Founder of IHS, LLC.) Intracellular hydration is the process of hydrating cells from within. It is important in gamefowl medicine and conditioning. With the right balance of water and moisture containing proper nutrition, the body receives the fuel it needs to perform its very best.

Too much water increases the rooster’s weight which is not necessarily good for combat where power and body weight ratio counts. On the other hand, dehydration weakens the rooster. So how much water is too much and how much is too little? Action produces heat. In humans prevention of overheating occurs by the transfer of heat to the skin by vasodilation of the skin heat circulatory system, and by the cooling effect of evaporation of sweat. Gamefowl does not have sweat glands. They cool the body by vasodilation and evaporation through breathing or panting. Evaporation through panting causes body fluid losses from moisture in exhaled air.

Unless these fluid losses are replaced, evaporation will result in the progressive depletion of circulating blood volume, leading to dehydration, one effect of which is the thickening of the blood.

Hemolysis is the breakdown of the red blood cells that contain hemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen within the body. Breakdown of red blood cells hampers the distribution of oxygen around the body, muscles and vital organs, and thus affects performance. Alkaline condition One by-product of the production-consumption and re-synthesis of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, the energy currency) is the concentration of lactic acid in the muscles. When this happens fatigue starts to overcome the rooster. One way of delaying this, in effect postponing fatigue, is to ensure an ample supply of creatine and ribose.

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rith eangmeng

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