Lethargic, lack of appetite, pale and weakening chicks? What's missing them? Will their lives last longer?
Fighting Vitamin Defficiency
There are times when our game fowls are very thin and always weak. With this, their resistance will be reduced and the disease can easily be acquired. Solutions should start early.
While young, they should be given a good dose of multivitamins and amino acids such as Respigen 15.
Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid), Vitamin E and Selenium
Respigen 15 contains Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid), Vitamin E and Selenium that helps gamefowl last longer.
•Provide stamina and endurance during strenuous fight.
•Delays onset of fatigue
•Very tough and lives longer
•Improves oxygen flow to the muscles and vital organs of the body
•Improves blood flow
•Prevents leg paralysis
•Increases muscular strength
Dosage and Administration (Injectable)
Inject 0.2ml of Respigen 15 Injectable (IM – deep intra mascular) every 3 days during conditioning period, preferably early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
Start them young
From time to time we notice the stag is pale. This is definitely anemia. Growth is slow and susceptible to other diseases. The supplement to use is Respigen 15 Drops.
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I would like to purchase those two products